Booking questions
Does Roamia provide parking?
We want your stay to be as convenient as possible, which is why many of our Roamias include parking options!
How can I find out if my Roamia has parking?
Check your Guest App by logging in with your booking information. From here, navigate to "View Check-In Instructions", then "I need to park my car" in order to view detailed information regarding your parking options. This information will be available 48 hours prior to your arrival.
Check out the information listed on your original booking page
Reach out to our 24/7 Guest Experience Team by texting or calling at 720- 306-1274, or send us an email at and we’d be happy to help!
What if I need more than one parking space?
At locations where parking is provided by our property partners, your Roamia will come with one parking space. Some locations may offer a second space, but most do not. Please check for the best places to park your additional vehicle.
Please reach out to our team by texting or calling at (720)-306-1274, or send us an email at, and we will help determine if a second parking space will be possible at your location.